Lance’s Blood Midge Emerger Size 12
I found this fly on a website a decade or so ago and have tweaked it since. I like this fly on Lake Almanor; it has proven to be very productive. I place floatant on the hackle and the elk hair wing and let the rest of the fly sit in the water. Tied to my exact specifications.
Size 12
I found this fly on a website a decade or so ago and have tweaked it since. I like this fly on Lake Almanor; it has proven to be very productive. I place floatant on the hackle and the elk hair wing and let the rest of the fly sit in the water. Tied to my exact specifications.
Size 12
I found this fly on a website a decade or so ago and have tweaked it since. I like this fly on Lake Almanor; it has proven to be very productive. I place floatant on the hackle and the elk hair wing and let the rest of the fly sit in the water. Tied to my exact specifications.
Size 12