Fly Fishing Presentations

We love to share our passion for fly-fishing.

Every angler who has joined us at a fly-club presentation or has attended one of the many shows and fairs where we’ve presented leaves with renewed enthusiasm for this great sport— and we’re delighted to be a part of it.

Presentations are a great way to receive accurate, updated, and detailed information about a piece of water. Lance and Kirsten have a ball at all these events, and we look forward to traveling to each one.

Invite us to your next event!

The cost per presentation is $400 for in-person and $250 via Zoom. Travel expenses, lodging, and mileage (if over 100 miles) are additional costs for in-person presentations. Handouts for all presentations may include maps, equipment needed, fly selection, unique rigging information, and more.  All digital handouts will be available on this page for a limited time after a presentation

“Deepwater Indicatoring” New for 2024

This is one of our newest presentations. It is about catching fish deep in the water column using an indicator rig. We fish our indicator rig down to 40 feet. The presentation will teach the audience the strategies for using this method, how to rig the leader, fly choices, and, of course, how to fish it. This productive method can be used in any stillwater for any species.

“Fishing Lake Almanor in the Fall” – New for 2024

Many folks concentrated on fishing Lake Almanor during the famed “Hex Hatch.” Lake Almanor has many seasons for fly-fishers; fall is one of them. Pond Smelt, Leeches, and Midges fuel this epic feeding by trout to gain weight for the cold winter months. Tactics include dry fly fishing with floating pond smelt and deepwater indicators. The fly-fisher will learn the flies, tactics, and places to fish during this time at the lake.

 “Breaking Down Big Water” Updated in 2024

This presentation is the culmination of 40 years of fly-fishing experience. We present the nuts and bolts of fly-fishing in large rivers, the “where” to fish, and the “why” of big rivers. We look at what the water hydrostatics mean and how the fish find significant feeding areas. This is not just breaking down the river but showing you how to break it down and why you need to use the “Square Method.” The presentation will include information even a seasoned fly-fisher can use.

 “Hex Hatch at Lake Almanor” Updated in 2024

This presentation is based on over twenty-five years of fishing and guiding the “Hex Hatch” at Lake Almanor, CA. This great fishery offers anglers a chance to catch enormous trophy trout on the giant mayfly, the Hexagenia— a great way to spend an evening fishing on the lake. The presentation will illustrate how to break down the lake to fish, select flies and rigging, and ensure personal safety while fishing this large impoundment. The “Hex Hatch at Lake Almanor” presentation is a great way to get solid, updated information on the lake and the “Hex.”

Fishing Lake Almanor Handout

 “Putah Creek” Updated in 2024

This presentation is about the shortest tailwater in the Northern Sacramento Valley. The wild fish eat midges, caddis, and mayflies all day— they even chase sculpins and crayfish. This pretty little creek holds folklore and trout that range from a couple of inches long to fish that push the 26-inch mark! The presentation will cover the best times to fish Putah, conservation on the creek, and the rigging needed for success.

 “Steelheading on the Feather” Updated in 2024

The Feather River, located in Oroville, CA, has a large Fall and Spring run of steelhead. The fishery has been in the news lately due to our wild winter 2017. The river has changed in many ways for the good. The high water has wiped the slate clean. New spawning gravel has been exposed, and side channels have been opened to rear the small steelhead and salmon minnows. The presentation gives a well-rounded view of the river. The lecture portion of this presentation covers history, angling information, access points, fly-fishing techniques, and flies. Lance will explore the difference between the Fall and Spring run fish and our tactics to target these great fish.

 “Fly-Fishing Northern California” is customized for you.

Northern California has so much to offer the fly-fisher, and this overview has a little of everything. Intended to inspire exploration in new fly-fishing areas, we cover venues from the mountains to the valleys and along the rivers to the beaches. Explore Moss Landing, Yuba River, American River, Feather River, Lower Sac, Lake Almanor, East Park Res, Lassen Park, and the little Spaniard a little Spanish creek called Putah Creek— and so much more. Northern California has many types of fish to cast a fly: steelhead, trout, shad, stripers, surf perch, bass, rockfish, and halibut, which can be represented in this presentation.

 “Fly Fishing the Lower Sac” Updated in 2024

Our presentation focuses on precisely what an angler needs to be successful on the Lower Sacramento River in Northern California. This presentation is not about drifting the Lower Sacramento River, per se— although drifting is covered. It is more than showing off the grip-and-grin photos of the big, wild rainbows and steelheads on this productive and beautiful stretch of water. We will explore the access locations for wading anglers and the available boat launches for those who drift.  The presentation will educate the fly fisher on the entire Lower Sac. 2017, the Lower Sac was scrubbed and cleaned with high water, reaching 85,000 cfs. The river has changed in the last decade. Riffles have been added, and constant runs have moved around.

 “Fly Fishing Lassen Park”

The park has no fish planting schedule, so only wild fish are found inside the boundaries! Legendary waters like Manzanita Lake and the headwaters of Hat Creek are concealed within its boundaries. The presentation will cover fishing opportunities for backpackers and car-top anglers alike. It will highlight and discuss equipment and techniques, including Tenkara. The Lassen National Volcanic Park is a fly fisher's dream. This presentation focuses on various fisheries, including stillwater and freestone streams.

 “Streamers” Updated with new tactics and flies for 2024

The presentation is all about streamer fishing. We cover not only the gear needed to fish streamers but also the when, why, and how for the audience. This presentation also covers the quarry the fish eat, from minnows to crayfish. Knowing how to stream fish will give the fly fisher an available tool for the quiver. This presentation has new and updated information, flies, and tactics.

 “Breaking Down Stillwater” New for 2024

Unlike our other presentations, the audience interacts hands-on with this presentation. We show you how to break down still water, where to look for the transition zones, and how to pick the right tool from your gear to get at eating fish. Our breakdown tactics can be used on any stillwater lake. This animated presentation provides excellent new concepts for anglers of all experience levels. We expand upon scenarios from part one to explore the “how and what” we would fish. We cover positioning the boat, tactics, flies, rigging, and retrieves.

 “The Valley Rivers” Updated for 2024

This presentation covers the Lower Sacramento, Feather, and Yuba Rivers. It will also cover access areas, wading safety, tactics, rigging, and the best flies. The presentation gives the fly-fisher the vast knowledge Lance has collected for the last three decades. Streamer, dry fly, and nymphing tactics will all be covered. It is a fast, fun, and easy way of learning the rivers without even getting wet wading.

Over the years, Lance has become a staple of our club. His presentations provide innovative methods for approaching the water and set-up techniques that are extremely helpful for anglers at all levels.

Many of our members have successfully used his services in several settings, including both river drifts and stillwater venues. He is uniquely known for his expertise with the “Hex Hatch” that occurs on Lake Almanor where trophy trout and smallmouth bass are caught during a very short season and narrow time window.

I would highly recommend Lance for an informative presentation or a memorable fishing trip!
— Leo Labbe | President of Fly Fishers for Conservation